Mao of The Trip

Friday, 26 May 2017

Q + A with Harriet 2.0

P: Hello Harriet and welcome back to phoebeharrietrtw! We're so pleased you're here again.
H: who me? I've been here all the time
P:Well, here again on the blog!
H: Who me? I might not be here for much longer, I need a sleep. What's the time?
P: 10:09. It's still early
P: Right anyway, moving on to the questions. Last time we spoke we were in Thailand!
H: Crikey that was a long time ago
P: Can you tell me a bit about what's happened since then
H: I can tell you tomorrow, I'm too tired now.
P: Let's continue this tomorrow then

P: Hello again Harriet! Are you feeling more awake?
H: A little bit
P: So, can you tell me a bit about what's happened since we last spoke in thailand?
H: Oh my goodness so much has happened! We cycled through Asia getting hotter and hotter, not really sure where we were going next but knowing we were running out of time. In the end things were more or less decided for us when China refused our visas, so we hopped on a plane. A few planes actually, and ended up in Azerbaijan. It's a shame because we've missed all sorts of interesting countries and a large section of the world but we both thought we wanted to cycle home from a good distance away, and we'll be able to do that now.
P: Phew, that's exhausting me just hearing about it!
H: It exhausted you while we did it, do you remember? We're both pretty exhausted but now the end is in sight.
P: Thanks for that overview! Now let's get on with the questions.
H: Wasn't that a question?
P: What's been your favourite new food experience of the trip?
H: We've tasted so many new things that it's difficult to choose but I'm going to go for a drink. Homemade iced lemon tea. We really relied on it in Malaysia and it was cool, sweet and delicious. I would never drink it at home but maybe I will. In azerbaijan we had delicious vine leaf parcels filled with meat with cheesey stuff on top - they were very nice and I wish I could remember what they were called.
P: What's your worst food experience?
H: On the whole the food in Azerbaijan/Georgia has been delicious and a nice change from the food in South East Asia, the fried rice and noodle soup was getting a bit tedious. A downside here has been the lumps of bright pink meat hiding everywhere, like in the pancakes I had for breakfast on our first morning.
P: What's been your favourite camping spot?
H: Our wild camp in Laos, looking down the mountain valley. It was tremendous. Views to die for.
P: What's your favourite time of day?
H: If I'm honest, arriving at our destination has to be the best bit. By the end of the day, we're pretty tired and it's always nice to know that we've got somewhere to stay. A close second is morning coffee, my favourite is when we choose a nice spot by the side of the road, boil up some water and make it ourselves whilst watching the world go by.
P: What's surprised you most?
H: I hate these questions.
P: I'd be so good at answering
H: What's surprised you most then?
P: I'm constantly surprised by the niceness, friendlness and generosity of almost everyone that sees us. I imagined that maybe we would be helped a little bit along the way, but it really does feel like 7 billion people are on our side and I didn't think it would. 
H: Yes I agree with you, that surprises me. It also surprises me how kind people at home have been by following us and sending us messages. I would have thought we'd have been forgotten! Wouldn't you?
P: Ummm no I can't say that I did. Okay, I'm going to say a country and you've got to say a word.
P: Malaysia
H: Iced tea
P: Morocco 
H: Friendly
P: Senegal
H: Harrassing
P: Paraguay
H: Pilgrimage
P: Chile 
H: Sand
P: New Zealand
H: Geology
P: Australia 
H: Fun
P: Thailand
H: Hot
P: Laos
H: SAIBADEEE (she said green but I've corrected her)
P: France
H: Civillised
P: Spain
H: Beautiful
P: Mauritania 
H: Desert
P: Azerbaijan 
H: Perfect
P: And finally... Georgia
H: Less perfect
P: Have you had any problems physically?
H: Yes. One of the big disappointments was that I thought I was going to get stronger and stronger and end up as superwoman but my poor 50 year old body is falling apart. We are both constantly recovering from insect bites, sore legs, sunburn. The list goes on.
P: Ummmm, where are you going on your next cycle trip?
H: I've got to cycle the pamir highway that we've missed out. I'll take a different bike.
P: What piece of kit do you wish you had?
H: Quite a lot really. Ha ha ha. All our kit's been fine. Our stove is a bit annoying because we haven't been able to buy methylated spirits so we can't cook, but although it's all been fine we're constantly meeting cycle tourists (often german) who have kit to die for and make me very jealous. I really wish I had a down jacket.
P: What piece of kit's really held its own?
H: My bike. It's been fantastic and I've had very few problems. Special congratulations to my chain and cassette. 20,000km without being replaced. Have we nearly finished, can I have a beer now?
P: Yes go on then
H: Okay I've got an answer about what's surprised you most.
P: Fire away
H: I've been most suprised by YOU. How you manage to remain cheerful all the time and what good company you've been, I wasn't really expecting that. You've definitely got your faults but we've had a lot of fun. Thanks Phoebs
P: That's the nicest thing you've said to me. Go on then, what do I do that annoys you?
H: I'm wavering between your slowness in the mornings, and your irritating behaviour about not wanting to drink alcohol as often as I do, and then drinking half of mine. Always.
P: That's all we've got time for this time! If anybody's got any questions they would like Harriet to answer then comment below or email me @ 
H: What's most irritating about me?
P: The way you always want to do the hard option, and enjoy suffering as much as possible when it's really unnecessary 
H: Yes I do. We're not on holiday.
P: Right okay we're wrapping this up.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite:
    "H: I've been most suprised[sic] by YOU. How you manage to remain cheerful all the time and what good company you've been, I wasn't really expecting that. You've definitely got your faults but we've had a lot of fun. Thanks Phoebs" :)
