Mao of The Trip

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

October 5th - Quick Update

I'm writing this from Moullay Idris, which is very near Meknes in Morocco. We've had a mixed first few days here, it's obviously very different from Spain which has been hard at times - cycling in long sleeves/tracksuit bottoms is not nice in 40 degrees! The scenery is stunning and the people are mostly very lovely and welcoming - and it's nice speaking french again! Today we're heading South towards Marrakesh. Will try and write a proper post soon!


  1. Great to hear that your trip will now be much easier, with Mexico bordering Ceuta... Great blog - and please increase the frequency - I really do look forward to hearing from both of you, and wish I was there pedalling!

    Buy some light harem trousers in Marrakesh to replace those tracksuit bottoms - they must be impossible. And do NOT eat a salad that's been prepared by anyone else!! I made that mistake on my last night in Marrakesh in a very posh restaurant (with eight MTB-ing friends, all but one of whom were as ill as I was). Stick to the wonderful tagines (my favourite had pears in with goat, and was sweet and succulent) which we all ate with relish and without mishap for the week beforehand in all sorts of locations, from poor village houses to small hotels. They're cooked right through, and come straight from the oven.

    Love to you both!

  2. Inshallah for the both of you. You find out soon what that means haha. Remember a very important Arabic phrase that we talked sugran haha. And do check waterbottles that you buy along the road if they are ally sealed and not refilled with local wate haha. Talk soon again....Frans and Leslie
